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Skills Inventory

1a. My greatest strengths in History of Games include:

A passion for video games, which lends to a drive to learn and understand the

history that influenced and continues to influence the industry. I’ve also taken

countless history courses at this point, so I have a strong context that allows me

to better comprehend the time periods we discuss.

1b. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Keep up with the readings and assigned videos!

2a. My greatest strengths in Sound Design include:

A patience for monotonous and repetitive work, which is definitely needed

when editing, cleaning, and splicing clips.

2b. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Put actual effort in even though I really have no interest in sound editing.

3a. My greatest strengths in Rhetoric and Composition II include:

Taking AP English classes in high school definitely helped; compared to those

hellish classes, the St. Ed’s required English classes are a walk in the park. I am

all ready familiar with the content, which makes it much easier to handle.

3b. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Stop showing up late… so, actually wake up in the morning.

4a. My greatest strengths in World Building include: A love for storytelling and genuine interest in learning everything I can about

essential skills and elements in building fictional worlds for all of my writing.

4b. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Plan ahead and do my assignments not the night before.

5a. My greatest strengths in College Algebra include: Ugh… none.

5b. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Just keep on trucking. Nothing can make math better.

6a. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies Seminar include:

It’s genuinely interesting and a nice break from the typical format of my other

classes; I actually look forward to going to class, which is nice!

6b. For greater success in this course, I need to:

Actually do my work on time… sorry.

Computer skills:

1. My computer skills include:

MS Office and Excel, Autodesk Sketchbook, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, iMovie,

GarageBand, ToonBoom Harmony

2. I still need to learn:

I definitely need to hone my skills in Photoshop and Harmony, and I would

definitely benefit from learning a 3D modeling program like Blendr.

Research & writing skills:

1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include:

I love research! I can lose myself to hours and hours of research for one story or

essay- when I’m genuinely excited and passionate for a project, it’s easy for me to get lost in learning about something new.

2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing:

I need to work on actually writing. My life gets so swallowed up by other things that I often lose track of time and don’t get a moment to practice honing my

craft, which I really miss.

3. I learn best & accomplish most when:

I sit down and do the work myself, or talk through a difficult concept with

someone else. I don’t learn very things I’m not strong in, like math, very well

just watching a problem get worked out on the board. I have to conceptualize it

in my own way on my own time.


Choose one class that you are struggling with or are not doing as well as you could. Now make a list of 10 ways you could improve your performance in this class.


1. Spend extra time with Adobe Audition and work to understand the program and its


2. Do individual research on game audio development

3. Review Power Point slides on own time to absorb them individually

4. Practice and learn with and other resources to try and get better

5. Actually do the assignments on time!

6. Work with friends so the difficult parts are less stressful and can become more fun

7. Go to my professor’s office hours with questions and general advising

8. Study for once

9. Read the textbook- generally stop slacking!

10. Find someway to motivate myself to actually do the work and enjoy it- snacks?

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